
Facade Contractors

This page will list the basic information I am gathering about facade contractors operating out there globally. The list of the main contractors can be found at the right column of this page (look for European / American / Rest of the world Facade Contractors at the bottom right)

The things I would like to detail in this page are:
  • company name and HQ address; 
  • approx size (in manning and factory m2); 
  • region where they operate - country, continent or global; 
  • selected projects; 
  • activities - type of cladding they install, core specialties, preferred materials, R&D activities, etc
This is a huge task, one impossible to do without your active collaboration, dear facade contractor readers.

So, if you want your company to be included in the list or in this page, or if you want to correct - add something to the info appearing here, please use the reply tool at the bottom of this page or write me through this LinkedIn contact.