- natural ventilation (aération naturelle)
- natural lighting (éclairage solaire)
- solar control (brise soleil)
- thermally active facade in opaque or glazed walls (mur neutralisant)
- internal air conditioning (respiration exacte)
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Sections showing sun lighting at the Zurich Sanatorium (left) and the skyscraper of Quartier La Marine (right). LC Ouvre Complete 1946-1952. |
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Ventilation scheme in standard houses for workers. Le Corbusier. |
Seen from today's distance, Le Corbu was a prophet not only in architectural language and urbanism but also in identifying the importance of a right combination between building design (passive measures, mass, ventilation etc) and active systems (air control and mechanical distribution) for achieving comfort in buildings. But his strength as prophet may be precisely in his weaknesses as master builder. Had Le Corbusier had a rigurous technical knowledge in the five points above, his predictions would not have been as telling for the coming generations as they were.
The two active concepts - the latter of the five, which Corbu developed between 1926 and 1933 - were the 'Mur neutralisant' and the 'Respiration exacte'. In my opinion, Corbu had it clear that both were intended to work together because they were complementary. Corbu tried to implement them at the Cité de Refuge in Paris and the Centrosoyuz in Moscow, unsuccessfully in both cases. Put simply, his intention was to obtain an internal comfortable environment all year round and in all climates.
Corbu coined two names but in fact three aspects were required simultaneously:
- A very high air-tightness through the envelopes - hence the idea of sealed glass (or sealed opaque walls) being part of the 'Mur neutralisant' concept. The intention was -rightly - to avoid air and heat flowing from inside to outside and viceversa.
- A mechanical system of controlled ventilation capable of adjusting both air temperature and humidity - that is, a rough description of an air conditioning system. This was the idea behind the 'Respiration exacte', which in fact comes from his colleague the engineer Gustave Lyon.
- Finally, in order to allow glazed facades to act as external thermal envelopes, an active device that neutralized energy flows (both in winter and in summer) through glazed surfaces: the 'Mur neutralisant'. This acted mainly as a barrier avoiding heat to flow inside-out during winter and outside-in during summer. Corbu delevoped an existing, earlier device (water heat radiators installed between two parallel glazed walls) into a more ambitious idea. By inserting air pipes around a sealed double glazed cavity he suggested that treated air could be blowed, warm in winter and cold in summer, so as to neutralize the outer conditions. This would allow the 'Respiration exact' system to maintain a constant internal temperature of 18ºC.
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Respiration exacte and Mur neutralisant as they were envisaged for the Centrosoyuz project in Moscow |
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'Mur neutralisant' and 'Respiration exacte' diagram, 1929, as published in 'Précisions' |
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Image of the Centrosoyuz project for Moscow with references to the Mur Neutralisant and the Aération Ponctuelle (1928) |
Lyon himself was not a mechanical engineer but an specialist in acoustics - to be precise, an expert in piano sound and its mechanisms. It seems that he entered the area of mechanical ventilation after having designed the acoustics for many concert halls, and probably having experienced the discomfort of those closed unventilated spaces. But he was not a climate engineer as Willis Carrier or the men at the American Blower Company. His intuitions on air conditioning came from his practical experience at improving the ventilation of the Salle Pleyel or the Trocadero Palace after he had gained reputation as an acustician. Lyon was 70 years old in 1927 at the opening of the Salle Pleyel in Paris: not exactly an eager engineer in contact with the novelties from New York or Chicago. In any case, the idea of an enclosed inner space - sealed from the outside - with some mechanical devices to control air temperature and humidity was not new, and it could very well be passed from Monsieur Lyon to his young new client, l'architecte Charles Eduard Jeanneret (Corbu).
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Centrosoyuz plan and external view. Notice the double glazed wall with sliding windows. |
In relation to the 'Mur neutralisant', I fully agree with Reyner Banham's position at his legendary book "The architecture of the well-tempered environment". Le Corbusier had experienced a similar concept for the windows in his Villa Schwob in Switzerland by 1916, so that this seems to be his own development. In the Ville Schwob very large windows (one of them two storeys high, see below) were designed in two layers, with heating pipes between them, to prevent down draughts. In t he same details for the Centrosoyuz (1929) he referred to them as "Murs neutralisants de verre ou de pierre; circuit fermé rapide d'air sec chaud (hiver) ou froid (été); systéme L.C. - P.J." (Neutralising walls in glass or stone; quick closed circuit of dry hot air (winter) or cold (summer); system Le Corbusier - Pierre Jeanneret). The 'Mur neutralisant' was his baby; the 'Respiration exacte' was Lyon's.
The glass solution was typical to the other Corbu 'Mur neutralisant' schemes; that for the opaque walls in Centrosoyuz reveals another great Corbu's intuition. An enclosed air cavity between two walls of pink tufa stone from the Caucasus (a volcanic, porous stone) would have been a very adequate thermal solution for opaque walls in Moscow, even if there was no hot air circuits inside. The Russian client ultimately dismissed the 'Mur neutralisant' system because of the lack of technical justification. At least they kept the double glazed wall, of which there were some previous examples built in Moscow (see the images of Zuyev Workers Club right below, a project by Ilya Golosov finished in 1926).
But the opaque wall as it was designed, even without blowed air in the cavity, would have been much better in terms of insulation than the one-layer stone wall finally built, with a thickness of 40cm.
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Villa Schwob, La Chaux de Fonds 1916. Notice the large window pane above the garden entrance: this was a double glass with an intermediate radiator system. |
The glass solution was typical to the other Corbu 'Mur neutralisant' schemes; that for the opaque walls in Centrosoyuz reveals another great Corbu's intuition. An enclosed air cavity between two walls of pink tufa stone from the Caucasus (a volcanic, porous stone) would have been a very adequate thermal solution for opaque walls in Moscow, even if there was no hot air circuits inside. The Russian client ultimately dismissed the 'Mur neutralisant' system because of the lack of technical justification. At least they kept the double glazed wall, of which there were some previous examples built in Moscow (see the images of Zuyev Workers Club right below, a project by Ilya Golosov finished in 1926).
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The Zuyev Workers Club. Ilya Golosov, 1926. A precedent of double skin glazed walls in Moscow before the Centrosoyuz. |
Could these two concepts, the 'Mur neutralisant' and the 'Respiration exacte' really work? Were they logical? The answer depends on the system.
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Model for the Centrosoyuz complex |
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The Centrosoyuz after its opening. The main glazed walls are double glass walls but with no intermediate heating system. |
But that would not be enough: we have to take care of the solar radiation, as Le Corbusier would learn the hard way at his Cité de Refuge for the Salvation Army in Paris, based on a project started in 1929 and finished in 1933. The story is well known. This is a text written by Le Corbusier defending his active air-handling principles for La Cité de Refuge in 1931:
“Our Invention, to stop the air at 18 degrees undergoing any external influence… These walls are envisaged in glass, stone, or mixed forms, consisting of a double membrane with a space of a few centimeters between them… a space that surrounds the building underneath, up the walls, over the roof terrace…
Another thermal plant is installed for heating and cooling, two fans, one blowing, one sucking; another closed circuit… Result, we control things so that the surface of the interior membrane holds 18 degrees”
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The South facade of the Cité de Refuge building right after completion in 1933 and as it is now, with the brise-soleils and the sliding windows. |
In spite of his great selling capability, Corbu was able to implement only one third of his active principles in the Salvation Army building. The south-facing single glazed facade of 1,000m2 was completely air-tight (no opening windows), but the 'Mur neutralisant' and the 'Respiration exacte' were rejected due to budget constraints. The building remained rather warm during the opening winter, but it proved a complete failure the next summer. Corbu blaimed the absence of air conditioning - true but expensive for a building like this - while the occupants were just asking for opening windows to provide some natural ventilation.
Both (Corbu and his client) were partly right, although the final solution would only come as a consequence of the bombings in Paris. The facade was completely destroyed during the war and Le Corbusier received the commision for rebuilding it. This time, after his trips to Algeria, Argentina and Brazil he had the final answer to the actual problem: an external sun screen to control solar radiation, or 'brise-soleil' was added outside the glass layer. This concept, a passive measure unlike the other two, would become an integral part of Le Corbu's architecture until the end of his career.
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The brise-soleil at its most after the War: the Unité d'Habitation in Marseille and sketches by LC on sun control. |
Bioclimatism, solar charts, wind blow control, ventilation, illumination, healthy spaces... all these terms define Le Corbusier's architectural production after the war until the end of his prolific career. Corbu's strong alignment with these concepts was clearly an invitation for younger generations of architects to act with diffidence in regards to mechanization of internal climate.
Le Corbusier's early intuition about a glazed 'Mur neutralisant' as a way to achieve a 'Respiration exacte' inside his buildings was not right. But he seemed to have learned the lesson, moved on and helped young architects to learn it as well. Others cannot say the same.
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Le Corbusier sitting in front of the site for the Centrosoyuz Building in Moscow (March 1931)
"In Moscow, I could — outside the Palace — publicly speak of the Radiant City, and explain where progress and the grand view have led us and shown to your country, which is the only one possessing the institutions that permit the realization of modernist programs. The technical detail of the questions concerning:architectural reformthe 24-hour solar day and its programmethe new techniques of exact respiration inside buildings (with the recent laboratory experiments at St.-Gobain) (the most pressing problem facing the USSR)the problems which agriculture poses for the domestic economythe soundproofing of homesacousticsHere are the truths, realities, the long-range items that are informed by the spirit of the five-year Plan — much more than certain restrictive methods, Malthusian and lacking imagination, which have been so warmly embraced in the USSR.And if anyone wants, I could speak of proportion, of beauty, those things that are the driving forces of my life, because happiness is not possible without a sense of quality."
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The solar cycle, LC 1954 |
What this letter tells us is that Le Corbusier was at the time of writing, as early as in 1932, already departing from the mechanistic world of the 'thermal machine' and opting for the order of solar profit, of solar control. A world where bureaucrats or budget constraints would not oppose his inventions any longer. A world where energy would come free and abundant, only requiring control, not production.
But his interest remained the same all around this mental process: the search of happiness through architecture. Because, as his final words resonate like a manifesto:
"happiness is not possible without a sense of quality..."